Monday, June 12, 2017



A thread of a conversation on facebook.

Big Changes are coming, and in fact they are ALREADY HERE! Learning to bring balance to the world means fin...

Roda Langrana The truth is more stranger than you think ... there are no big changes coming as you put it. It is a return to the way you were created ... but you had lost the way and are now lucky to rediscover it. Pardon that I express truth just the way it really is.

LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2 · June 10 at 12:23pm

Dxxxxxxx 'I am creating a new heaven and a new earth' something that we have never seen before. So it is a big change coming....Roda Lagranga!
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 7 hrs

Roda Langrana
Roda Langrana Sweetie the new heaven you speak of .. is yours alone. You then see the world through different lens and so it appears different. You have simply learnt to bend reality to you .. something you were doing sub-consciously in any case so were not aware of it. Now you understand a bit of the spirit world .. but the Holy Spirit is something else altogether. come back to me when you reach that august body ... been there done that. Ask me any question and I will give you its truest answer. I really do not care or get affected by any other person's opinion any more for when I did it made me cry and I will be damned if I will do that ever again. I stand ramrod straight even in churches for if you bend there is someone else's energy in control of yours .. like Jesus if you are a believer of him .. then suffering is your lot in life ... illnesses etc. But that is not what he came to teach to the world ... that lesson the world never did understand. I have heard only the words of Jesus in the lost gospel of Thomas. It is not told through parables which is how the bible is written. if you do not understand that a story having a negative ending must always be treated as a warning of what never to do .. then only will the bible spill its secrets to you.

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